
2023 Life Release and Naga Puja
2023 Khenchen Pema Sherab in Vancouver
2023 Amitabha Empowerment and Phowa

2023 Khenchen Pema Sherab in Vancouver :

Life Release & Naga Puja Event; Amitabha Empowerment & Phowa Oral Instruction

2023 堪千贝玛谢绕 来访温哥华 - 海上大放生 & 龙王烟供 ; 阿弥陀佛灌顶 & 颇哇口授

Date: July/15, 2023 10am-1pm PST (Calendar)

Limitd space: 180, $50/person (donation)

Assembling Place: 750 Pacific Blvd, Vancouver. Plaza Nation Marina, Dock A

Boat name: Burrad Queen

* No online streaming for this event due to weak and inconsistent signal at sea.

Registration: Please contact Maggie by

  • Tel: (778) 903 - 6618
  • Wechat: yukae000
  • send an email to: info@palyulvancouver.org
  • contact form

Vases only:

Naga Vase: $300/each

Four lmmeasurable Sponsors:

1. Loving Kindness Big Sponsor $5000: offer Mandala + three Naga vases + one Zambhala vase

2. Compassion Sponsor $3000: offer Mandala + two Naga vases + one Zambhala vase

3. Sympathetic Joy Sponsor $1500: two Naga vases

4. Equanimity Sponsor $500: one Naga vase

Date: July/16, 2023


  • 10:00-11:30 am Amitabha Empowerment
  • 1:00 - 2:30 pm Phowa Oral Instruction


*Due to the number of attendees has exceeded our capacity, we have RELOCATED for the Amitabha Empowerment and Phowa Oral Instruction to fit more people. We also increased the maximum number of registration. Rejoice everyone! :)

Address: Riverside Banquet Halls, 1231 Burdette St #135, Richmond, BC V6V 2Z2

Parking Lot: Onsite parking lot

Address: Asian Center(UBC), 1871 West Mall

Parkade: Fraser River Parkade, 1913 West Mall (Accept payment by credit card or Honk Mobile; Vehicle parking in other place might be towed or ticketed.)

Registration for Attending In Person: https://PMCV20230716.eventbrite.com

*We are very sorry to announce that Khen Rinpoche will ONLY give the Empowerment and Phowa oral instructions to anyone who attends in person. ZOOM LIVE STREAMING IS CANCELLED. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. Rejoice all!


If you have any question, please use one of the following method

  • Tel: (778) 903 - 6618
  • send an email to: info@palyulvancouver.org
  • contact form

时间: 2023年07月15日 10am-1pm PST (查看日历)

上船人数: 180, $50/人 (随喜放生)

地址: 750 Pacific Blvd, Vancouver. Plaza Nation Marina, Dock A

船名: Burrad Queen

* 因海上信号不好,本次放生活动没有线上直播。


  • 电话: (778) 903 - 6618
  • 邮件: info@palyulvancouver.org
  • 微信: Maggie師兄,微信号 yukae000
  • 联系表格



1.慈 $5000: 供曼达拉+3个龙王宝瓶+1个财神宝瓶

2.悲 $3000: 供曼达拉+2个龙王宝瓶+1个财神宝瓶

3.喜 $1500: 2个龙王宝瓶

4.舍 $500: 1个龙王宝瓶

日期: 2023年07月16日


  • 上午 10:00-11:30 阿弥陀佛灌顶
  • 下午 1:00 - 2:30 颇哇



地点: Riverside Banquet Halls, 1231 Burdette St #135, Richmond, BC V6V 2Z2

停车场: 门口免费停车

地点: Asian Center(UBC), 1871 West Mall

停车场: Fraser River Parkade, 1913 West Mall (可用信用卡或Honk Mobile付停车费。在其他地方停车可能会被拖走或开罚单。)

线下参会报名链接: https://PMCV20230716.eventbrite.com


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